Monday, July 25

Postings on about the opening of "The Island"

I'd have imagined everything but this... still can't believe how this can happen to the biggest blockbuster in years...

It's very sad. Not only for Bay, but for Ewan and Scarlett too; they will probably have a hard time getting leading roles in big budget flicks again

The audience are too dumb to get the movie; "Clones, lottary, island - WTF is that? No, I'm watching Fantastic Four instead".

They should marketed this like THE MATRIX. I just posted this on It's my idea for the trailer: ...................

whatever, the important thing is to keep word of mouth positive so that it doesnt plummet next wkd like most movies....

I really feel bad for Michael....D(ream)W(orks) let him down.

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